var hI; var CurOp = 100; var FadeSpeed = 10; var MsgPause = 3000; var FadeDir; var hRet; var iSP = 0; var rgSP = new Array(); rgSP[0] = ""; rgSP[1] = "We maintain high levels of in professional liability insurance for your protection"; rgSP[2] = "Integration with multiple 3rd-party platforms"; rgSP[3] = "Send and Retrieve files via our secure website"; rgSP[4] = "Fast turnaround time!"; rgSP[5] = "No set up fee or monthly minimums"; rgSP[6] = "Flexible ordering and delivery options"; rgSP[7] = "Extended searches beyond the 7 years available in most counties"; rgSP[8] = "128 bit SSL encryption"; rgSP[9] = "Competitive wholesale pricing. Volume discounts available"; function DoFade() { CurOp += (FadeSpeed * FadeDir); if (CurOp < 0) CurOp = 0; if (CurOp > 100) CurOp = 100; hI["filter"] = "alpha(opacity=" + CurOp + ")"; hI["moz-opacity"] = (CurOp / 100); hI["khtml-opacity"] = (CurOp / 100); hI["opacity"] = (CurOp / 100); if ((CurOp > 0) && (CurOp < 100)) setTimeout(function() { DoFade(); }, 100); else hRet(); } function FadeIn() { if (hI == undefined) hI = document.getElementById('spoints').style; FadeDir = 1; DoFade(); } function FadeOut() { if (hI == undefined) hI = document.getElementById('spoints').style; FadeDir = -1; DoFade(); } function ChangeTxt() { hRet = FadeOutDone; FadeOut(); } function FadeOutDone() { ++iSP; if (iSP >= rgSP.length) iSP = 0; document.getElementById('spoints').innerHTML = rgSP[iSP]; hRet = FadeInDone; FadeIn(); } function FadeInDone() { setTimeout(function() { ChangeTxt(); }, MsgPause); } function StartSPoints() { document.getElementById('spoints').innerHTML = rgSP[0]; setTimeout(function() { ChangeTxt(); }, MsgPause); }